Calvin Hollins

John Bitoy

Calvin Hollins and John Bitoy
Calvin Hollins and John Bitoy
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The Life That We Built, A Love Story by Calvin Hollins & John Bitoy

Our connection was such that we often knew what the other was thinking, doing and planning without discussion.

It was, perhaps, not by accident, but by design, that during an era when the black power movement was emphasized and embraced, and black people demanded more equal rights, that there was a shift in the stereotype of how Black men should love themselves, their women, the world, and other back men.

Our bond was unbreakable and abiding, and from the very beginning we established that “when I move, you move”., type of energy that challenges black men, against all odds, to become legends.

We were brothers, until we weren’t.

Book written by Chrystal Lemons Parsons